Disney Vacation Planning services with Josée Bibeau

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Explore our Disney packages

Last-minute discounts don't exist at Disney. To ensure room availability or take advantage of ongoing promotions, it's recommended to book your Disney package in advance!

We offer tailor-made packages suited to your budget, dates, and needs.

On this page, you'll find all the information needed to make the most of your stay at the Walt Disney World Resort.

Book your adventure
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Our Disney packages include:

  • Booking your flights if needed.
  • Round-trip transportation from the airport to your hotel (additional fees apply).
  • Accommodation based on your budget and preferences.
  • Our advice on restaurant choices and reservations based on events, so you don’t miss a thing!
  • Your Disney park tickets (with or without options).
  • A personalized itinerary based on the duration of your stay, to maximize your park experience.
  • A virtual meeting to share many tips and tricks at Walt Disney World.
  • Personalized and attentive service at all times.
  • Taxes and travel documents.

Plan your stay

How much does a package at Walt Disney World Resort cost?

That's THE big question!

The cost of a Disney package depends on several factors: the number of people, travel dates, current promotions, hotel category, meal plan, etc.

At Disney, there are three hotel categories and two meal plan options. We highly recommend including a meal plan in your package.

After a short discussion, we will be able to provide you with an exact price for your Disney package.

We can communicate via email, phone, video call, or even in person… It's your choice!

Explore our destinations
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Why Choose Josée Bibeau?

✅ Always Informed, Just in Time

You will receive automated emails at the right stages before, during, and after your stay. You don't have to think about anything. Follow the steps when you receive them, and it's all set.

👩🏻‍💼 Expertise and Knowledge

With over 150 personal trips to Disney and more than 30 years of experience, our team offers expert advice and meticulous planning. You have access to all our knowledge through our own user-friendly and structured platform.

🛎️ Exceptional Customer Service

Our priority is to provide you with superior quality service. From the first consultation to the end of your trip, we are here to assist you every step of the way.

☎️ 24/7 Emergency Line

We offer our 24/7 emergency line with all our packages. Lost passport, credit card, luggage, flight delay or cancellation, insurance issues, finding a clinic, or any other problem? We've got it covered, at no extra cost.

Ready to Plan Your Magical Trip?

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